Saturday, 29 September 2012

Update Two: For The Blades! For The Emperor! For Corners!

...Sooo, you don't have any spare weapons I can be useful with?  Because I'd really rather have one of those.

So, I know who the fuck the Emperor is, but the real question is, who the fuck are you?

Doing a good job of it, then?

Mmhm.  Say, hows Captain Rigor doing?  Still dead?

So, asides from the assassins, dead captain and whatnot, how's this for jobs?

...I was talking more along the line of drakes per day, but whatever.



What is the deal with these guys, anyways?  Some kind of crappy cult?

Hey, Emperor dude, what's the deal with these assassin assholes?

...Eeeeehhhh.  That sounds like an awful lot of risk for not much reward.
Also hard work.  Bleh.

So, guy who has pretty much only yelled at me so far, what's the deal with the ass-

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Fine, I get it.  I'll pay for my drinks next time.  Fuck.


Well, if it will get me out of this mess any faster...

Uuuhhh... guys?

This place looks pretty dead-endish to me.

I'm getting paid for this, right?

The... the door is that way, dipshit.

...Can I have my money up front?

Holy shit, this looks like I can pawn it for enough to move to Bravil!

Right, right, find the dude, close the things, sell this amulet in Bruma.  Sweet.

...Oh fuck.

Hold still, I'm going to stab you.

...That's bad, right?

Oh, he gave that to me.

Probably my rugged good looks.  They do that.

Or it could be that, I guess.

...Does it have an actual value?

...I'm not going to be able to sell this, am I?

Something about finding this Jofer guy.

Something about hair, I guess?

Your order deals in wigs, then?

I'm going to go there and have people try to stab me, aren't I?

Yeah, you guys did a bang-up job of that.

Sweet.  Wait, sewers?

 Not really.  I just kinda drift, you know?

 Pff.  Of course not, I'm awesome as hell!

So, anyways, after I leave the sewers, what do I do?

Rrriiiight, I'll get right on that.

Damn straight.

Not that I care, but what are you going to do?

Eh.  I've never been fond of the Nine.

But wait hey I was using tho-


...Huh.  I'd heard that Akaviri swords could cut through iron no problem.

Onward to smelliness!

Hahaha yes!  The exit!

Fuck all that noise, I'm getting drunk.

Now, where was that crate...


Aw, don't worry, precious!  There's no way I'd let the guards take you without a fight!

Also, I don't want father's ghost haunting me.  He was bad enough when he was alive.

Anyways, back home to drink!

What a shithole.

Shithole though it may be, it's still home.

...What the fuck?

"This home has been repossessed due to criminal activity.  Those interested in purchasing it should refer to Vinicia Melissaeia at the Office of Imperial Commerce.

~By order of Hieronymus Lex"

Guess I'm sleeping at the Bloated Float.

Hey man.  My house got repossessed in the twelve hours I was in jail.  Can I rent a room?

...You look mad.  Is it because of that bottle of booze I stole?

 Sure, why not.

Hm... I wonder if that stuff is still here...


God I'm tired.

...Huh it sounds like we've put ou-who the hell is that?


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