...Alright. Sounds like a plan.
Right, don't break into the experienced thief's home. Got it.
...Soooo, Bravil...?
Hey, Methredhel!
Heard anything interesting lately?
Huh, really?
Well, I've got to go to Bravil soon. I've just got to... take care of some things. Later!
I've been waiting years for this.
...I pick the one night that everybody's out and about at one in the morning.
Ah, here we are.
Nice place.
Interesting how they manage to live like this knowing what they did to my family.
Well, this is it. No looking back now.
Moment of truth.
[Missing screencap: Alessia Ottus taking an arrow to the knee, ending her writing career.]
[Also her life]
It's got to be in here somewhere.
...Huh. He was making his own.
...Empty. On the bright side, new pants.
Now, onto the main event.
[Missing screencap: Hastrel waking up just as he gets shot in the chest.]
Well, that's done.
Now, just to find that stash...
Perhaps it will be down here...?
Damn, I'm goo-Huh. I did not expect skulls.
Hm... maybe there's something in here...?
Yes. Yes, this is it.
Vengeance is mi-wait, didn't they have a daughter? Godsdammit.
...I feel like I should have said something.
"Hello, my name is Montha Horatius. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Or maybe something witty.
I guess you should have watched your back.
...Wow, that was really bad.
...Shit, I just killed three people.
Well, I did just avenge my parents deaths.
I'm also maybe in a little bit of trouble for it.
That sounds like an awesome plan.
Well, I guess I'd better make myself scarce for a bit.
...Bravil, you said?
And you, I suppose
Well, I guess I'd better turn in for a bit. I'll get a horse first thing.
Well, I'm not getting any sleep.
Could... probly get a hos here.
I don actully know.
...You don't have stables at your horse?
Fuckit, I'm talkin to ssomebody else
...There's a fuckin' ...a horse fuckin' fuckin' another fuckin' horse right f-fuckin' beside you, lady.
Give me a godsdamn fuckin' horse or- did you eat the fuckin' horses? That... that's... how'd they fuckin' taste?
Iunno, I don't think I'd use 'em for much else.
Here, have some fuckin' money.

...The fuck am I doing?
Oh gods I'm going to fall off
...Hey, horse, you know how to get to Bravil, right?
Hey, it's an... Ayleid? Ruin. One of those, yeah.
Oh, hey, do-
...Fuck my head hurts.
...Hm. Nice view. Hopefully it will cool down soon.
...More of them! I'll have to come explore them on the way home...
Sweet, still going the right way.
...Damn this place is pretty.
...I'm supposed to do something here, aren't I?
...Rufio, you say?
...What if he was, say, hiding from the Dark Brotherhood?
Would you be concerned then? I'm just curious, you see.
Whereabouts would I find him? I've been traveling ages- from Valenwood, actually- and don't really have many people to talk to.
Alright, thank you!
Will do!
Here we go...
Looks like he's dead asleep...
...Hm. I should go make sure he's completely dead.
Yeah, I'd say he's pretty dead.
Now, onwards... To Bravil!
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